Bicentennial Bikeway Count

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Bicentennial Bikeway Count

Postby beauyboy » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:46 am

Morning all

As I am on holidays and my otherhalf has pointed out I am Getting board I decided to go out and count how many cyclists are currently using the Bicentennial Bikeway. You may have sean me, here is my bike parked this morning

Here are my results
Bicentennial Bikeway Count 20120104
Time = 7:15-7:55am
Total = 441

Male = 362 (82%)
Female = 79 (18%)

Bike Type
Road = 259 (59%)
Other* = 182 (41%)

Bike per Sex
Male Road = 222 (61%)
Male Other* = 140 (39%)
Female Road = 37 (47%)
Female Other* = 42 (53%)

* = any bike that is not fitted with drop bar Handle Bars

General Note
- Not all bike passing were able to be counted
- This count did not include pedestrian
- This count includes cyclists going both east and west
- This count was conducted just west of the Hale Street Bridge with me sitting in the shade under the Overpass
- Between 30-50% of road cyclists were in groups or seamed to be out riding for exercise and not commuting
I have to say the number was quite impressive and it was so cool ridng home. I Have forgotten what it is like riding on a bike artierial.
I am thinking of doing this tomorrow for the SE Freeway

BCC give us some more bikeways fore safe travel!!!!
Upgrade the NCL now QR!!!!!!
My views do not represent any organisation I may be apart of unless otherwise stated

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