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How to Suffer in Alice Springs :-)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:31 am
by sandman
Well Yes, the Sandman has been slack in Blogging, when you've got Faecal-Book, Twitterati and lots of other time wasting mediums, it gets a little tedious bashing the same polava out over and over....but alas this is my home :-) Facebook, bunch of nonsence, as for tweeting, 99% useless :-) ,even Lance Armstrongs posts are getting boring ! anyway.....

Life in Alice is great, they say its the "Windy Month", thats a bloody understatement. I've been on and off the bike for a few months now due to work commitments, met some awesome cyclists in London recently thanks to that bloody horrible "South Australia Jersey" with the Kangaroo on it :-) I picked this guy out of a crowd and started chatting, he gave me the full lowdown of how to Cycle in London. You know, FIXIES rule that place, especially the ones with no brakes ! To watch a fixie with no brakes pull up at a quick light change is darn impressive, he locks his knees to the top tube and bunny hops the rear, basically controlled skid to the lights...

I've just managed to get some fitness back which was sorely tested over the last few days... 5 good days of riding to work mixed in with some serious tail, side and headwinds. The mixture is incredible, we were zipping down HATT road yesterday at 45km/hr side by side chatting, there was NO way you could have gone slow, we're out on the Stuart highway with a cross tail/sidewind and then at the airport turnoff we've got a 40km/hr side wind...It was one of the funniest rides ever getting blown all over the road, I couldnt stop smiling, this was fun !

This morning only 2 of us rode in, I drove pretty hard into the headwind, my partner kept muttering "your as strong as a bloody ox" but you know, once you get into that groove, have the breathing and leg pain under control ie: under your "tolerable threshold" then its all good, this is definately what makes you stronger. The challenge is to maintain the tempo and not speed up and drive yourself into the red. We passed this "UBER" bit of roadkill on the highway, looks like a roadtrain smacked this HUGE roo, guts everywhere, you couldnt help riding over some of its entrails, stunk even in the strong winds :-)

We get onto HATT road and see the "HARE" in the distance, HARE being another Cyclist, of course I decide its time to catch this guy so I drove a little harder (as any MALE cyclist would), temperature in the Jersy started to rise and I could feel the pain level increase, oh !! BAN ME NOW FOR SWEARING !! we're in the red but this guy has to be caught.. Cut a long story short, caught him and then he sat in so the last 8km to the front gate hurt like buggery but there wasnt time to show "weakness" :-) :-) So with 500m to go around the bend, the "HARE" zips to the front..... eh eh eh , the HARE wins.....

Life in the Alice is great, the racing I dont like one little bit. Sure I could ride in A grade here which would be good solid City B grade, I could win a few races sure but there is nothing like turning up to a meet at Eastern Creek, 200+ idiots in Lycra all wanting to smack your arse...thats Racing...and then there is that FPR group that really wanna put the hurt on people.....i miss those guys...

Sandman who is going to be off the bike for another 4 weeks !!!!! Work gets in the way of a GOOD TIME :) !!!

Re: How to Suffer in Alice Springs :-)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:42 pm
by zozza
Wish you were one of those 200 idiots Sandman :D

You wouldn't recognize the FPR's,
Bloody surging and tactics and breakaways, barbarians most of them :roll:

Thanks for the update :D :D

Re: How to Suffer in Alice Springs :-)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:08 am
by Mattsbike
Top post Sandman. Sounds like there's some real hard conditions up there :twisted:


Re: How to Suffer in Alice Springs :-)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:15 pm
by Spiza
Whinge, whinge, whinge... it's too windy. Cry, cry, cry... it's too hot. Wwwwwaaaaaa... it smells bad... This sandman bloke sounds soft to me! :wink:

Re: How to Suffer in Alice Springs :-)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:00 am
by WWBikeRider
Spiza wrote:Whinge, whinge, whinge... it's too windy. Cry, cry, cry... it's too hot. Wwwwwaaaaaa... it smells bad... This sandman bloke sounds soft to me! :wink:
Wind I hate (Unless it's a tailwind), heat I can put up with (35c air temp is my limit), hate it colder then 15c and the odd road kill I can put up with (I can look at it but not watch RPA :? )! So am I also soft? :twisted: :lol:

Re: How to Suffer in Alice Springs :-)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:25 pm
by leximack
WWBikeRider wrote: Wind I hate (Unless it's a tailwind), heat I can put up with (35c air temp is my limit), hate it colder then 15c and the odd road kill I can put up with (I can look at it but not watch RPA :? )! So am I also soft? :twisted: :lol:
yep, sounds soft to me :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol:

Re: How to Suffer in Alice Springs :-)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:17 pm
by sandman
hmm, bit hard there boys ? The temp has been about -6 to -7c here in Colorado Springs....scraping ice off the windscreen takes about 5 mins with a proper scraper. The Yarris is on ice skates across the road, I'll never whine :-)

Crap I'll whine all I want cause I can....

Re: How to Suffer in Alice Springs :-)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:55 pm
by ruscook
Cool post Sandman, thanks for keeping us in the loop.. I've yet to get to the creek (not to race to watch). Seeing that many riders racing at once would be interesting...

Have fun.