On the same day, the announcements for two cycling conferences arrived in my inbox. While these events compete somewhat with one another, as they are six months apart the also keep the cycling and planning topics on the agenda which is great news for cycling and the decision makers in Municipal, State and the National Government.
Asia-Pacific-Cycle Congress : 10-13 March 2013
This Gold Coast (Queensland) event is in its second year and positions itself with a slightly more global approach. Backed by the Queensland government it brings an underlying aim of increasing cycling participation and growth in the cycling culture. Guest speakers, presentations, think thanks and panel debates will be used to explore key themes:
• cycle planning, safety and innovation
• education, health and behaviour change
• community, industry and tourism
The organisers are currently seeking abstracts for inclusion into the program.
Further details: www.cyclecongress.com
Bike Futures 2012 : 18 – 19 October 2012
In its forth year, Bike Futures is presented by Bicycle Network*. The event is promoted as “Australia’s leading bike conference for national and local leaders, planners, architects, urban designers and builders who use bike transport and recreation to advance their communities.”
The themes are similar with overall approach recognising growth in cycling and looking at the transport and planning response that is now required. A featured guest speaker in 2012 is Johan Diepens from the Dutch transport and mobility consultancy Mobycon. Workshop themes for the conference include: new and innovative bicycle treatments, bicycles and public transport, motor vehicle speeds in neighbourhoods, cycling and liveability, bike planning, shared paths and shared spaces, cycle tourism and bike separation.
Details and registration: www.bikefutures.com.au
*Bicycle Network is not to be confused with Bicycles Network Australia who have been around longer under this name.