FAQs - Bicycle Safety

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FAQs - Bicycle Safety

Postby AUbicycles » Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:12 pm

This FAQs is a guideline and collection of tips to help you ride safely and to avoid accidents and injury. At all times you should obey the road rules in your state and country. You alone are responsible for your actions. and by riding safely can't always prevent every problem, but most of them.

Ride as if you were invisible

Anticipate and avoid problems

1. Be bright! Wear a reflective vest or a bright colourful jersey. Bike shops have vests for around $30. When you hear a motorist approaching, give them a good chance to seeing you. Straightening up into a vertical position will make your reflective gear more noticeable. Avoid backpacks or dark clothing that makes it difficult to see you.

2. Don’t assume that a driver has seen you. This is particularly important for larger vehicles such as buses and trucks and when approaching intersections and stop signs. Unless you can make eye contact with the driver, assume that they haven’t seen you and act accordingly, ESPECIALLY at night.

3. Light up. If you're riding at night, you should have a white front light and red rear light to increase your visibility to cars. Bike shops have LCD lights for $30 or less. Lights typically take two AA batteries, which can last for months. Under Australian law you are legally required to have a working front and back light when riding at night.

4. Carefully choose your route. Ride along bike or dual paths wherever possible. Although you have to look out for pedestrians, they are usually fewer and less life threatening. If you are uncertain where the bike paths and lanes are, try your local government site (there are some links below), or else ask your LBS (local bike shop).

5. Choose slow streets. The slower a car is travelling, the more time the driver has to see you.

6. Don't ride too close to the curb. Give yourself a little space between yourself and the curb. When you hug the curb tightly you run the risk of riding into a car door that is suddenly opened or being hit by a motorists turning left who oversee you. The same thing goes when cycling on cycle paths that run parallel to roads and parking bays. Leave at least a metre between you and parked cars.

7. When approaching cars waiting at traffic lights it is usually better to sit wait behind a car in the middle of the lane rather than ride up to the left of the car into the driver's blind spot. Although this may annoy drivers behind you, not only will they more easily see you, as a cyclist you are legally allowed to occupy one lane.

8. It is statistically riskier being a pedestrian than a cyclist. None the less, ride defensively and anticipate and avoid problems.

Useful Bicycling Safety Links

Making it Safer to Cycle

Transport Queensland
Bike Safety Campaign
PDF downloads and Video

Bicycle Safety
PDF downloads and Video

Cycleway Network
Cycling Safety PDF

WA DPI Cycling
General Cycling Information

Transport SA
Fact Sheets

Transport TAS
Skating and Cycling Rules

RTA - Australian Road Rules


Author: purplegolden, mikesbytes
Edited: mikesbytes, AUbicycles
Added: 20.04.2007
Last Edited:

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