Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:10 pm

Thursday... the best day of the week ! The discussion at the bakery pre-ride was around taking it easy on today's outing. I don't know why these plans never work out ?
So, Richmond was the destination today, or the half way mark at least, and a pleasant spin it was if you are a headwind masochist. Which I am not. Riding through Penna,a reassessment of the route to Richmond was in order to negate the impact of the wind
and to take advantage of it on the return leg to Paradise (AKA Dodges Ferry).
This decision, made by moi, and communicated to the 2ic via telepathy, was confirmed audibly, and so up Brinktop we went. Painfully slow on my behalf I should add.

Once at the top it was rapid descent into Richmond as the aroma of coffee urged the peloton on. A short stop for coffee, a little longer than planned due to the volcanic temperature of my (overpriced) long black, and it was back on the road with the promise of a tailwind beckoning Conatador and Evans !!! err... Andrew and Paul :-)
The ensuing tailwind was the reward for the considered decision to alter the course as we sprinted the 8kms along the highway from Fingerpost toward Sorell.The tailwind would be an assistance for the remainder of the ride back to Dodges.

And who should greet us upon out return ??? None other than the doyen of Dodges Ferry cycling, Jeff Brown. Jeff was instantly promoted to the honourary position of third rider and therefore eligible to share in the spoils... coffee !!!
So overall, another enjoyable session on the road and a good effort by all concerned.

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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby AndrewTTas » Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:06 pm

The Dodges Ride came early this week. Why? The weather Forecast for Thursday appears too favourable (for the soft)? RBWR handicapping? Chronological disorientation? In any case 'WHY NOT'. Time is a confidence trick invented by the Swiss after all. So with the temperature at the low end, the breeze stiffening, and snow on the surrounding hills, the Peleton sallied forth. Up the Old Forcett Road (that actually looks young), hanging a right onto the Arthur Highway, and climbing up the Sugarloaf Road. Having been recently officially disbarred from the Nasty Virus Guild, Paul B was ascending well (a lot better than he thinks dammit). Passing the dead cat, we roared down to the Carlton River bridge, and on to Primrose Sands. A double dose of the Primrose loop ensued so Paul could check out Jeff the climbing cassette, on the murderous Linden Road pinch ( two ascents is two too many). The Carlton River Road return was a long push into a headwind, but of course the reward was a face full of food at the Dodges Richmond Bakery. The feasting and confabulating continued till hypothermia set in.

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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby master6 » Wed Aug 05, 2015 6:52 pm


Is there a DFBTR tomorrow 6/8/15?

What is the start time estimate at the bakery for the confabulating and coffee imbibing?

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:05 pm

Yes. I am there now waiting in order to be ready for the 9.00 am start.

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:07 pm

The coffee and bragging will commence after the ride, the duration which will be determined by the number of participants.
If it is just me... about 10.15-10.30 am.

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:22 am

9:00 AM and the bakery was a cyclist free zone... except for me. The ever reliable Andrew T was preoccupied earning a living, probably more likely that he was earning money to buy more cycling gear. So it was just me and I opted to keep it local and short. Just another slow ride in what is shaping up to be a long haul in getting back to some half decent form. Despite it being a cold start, the sun was out and I warmed up quickly. So up Quarry Rd and down through Lewisham, back through Dodges to the Velodrome for a couple of rounds of flat track spinning. So as we all know, it is no secret that the DFBTR is a highly regarded event on the cycling calendar, but it came as a surprise to me that they had appointed a marshal to the event ! As I raced down Carlton Beach Rd at a frenetic pace, (maybe a pathetic pace), the Marshal appeared gesticulating wildly and screaming encouragement. Apparently I was on track to cross the line first and set a new Strava World Record !!! Can't wait for next week.
Last edited by Paul B on Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby master6 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:42 pm

Paul B wrote:9: the Marshal appeared gesticulating wildly and screaming encouragement.

You can cannot hide :D

The marshall is always on the lookout :wink:

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:21 pm

9:00 AM at the bakery there was me and the crickets... Not to worry though, as Andrew T (AKA #2) and I had a quality ride on Tuesday. Same bakery, same time, different day :-)
So as is most often the case when I am the only participant, I kept it local. A spin down to the Arthur Hwy, back through Lewisham to Dodges Ferry, through Carlton and back through Dodges en route to "The Velodrome" for a few laps to finish off.
Pretty uneventful aside from witnessing what appeared to be two dubious looking characters involved in what appeared to be an illicit transaction on CB Road. I kept my head down and avoided eye contact.
No wind today and I managed to record my best times on a couple of segments since getting back on the road. So that's on ride closer to getting back to the bunch rides. The weekend is looking great for some time in the saddle :-)

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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby master6 » Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:57 pm

Paul B wrote: two dubious looking characters involved in what appeared to be an illicit transaction on CB Road. I kept my head down and avoided eye contact.
Excellent peripheral vision has Paul.

The dubious characters were involved in a little intercourse, verbal that is, and did not seek to interrupt the strava jetspeed of the flying Paul :D

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:04 pm

Well, my alarm went off a little early today. About 48 hours early actually. So thinking it was Thursday, off to the bakery I went. Seems Andrew T must have synched his clock to mine, as he was prowling the streets anticipating my imminent arrival.
So, given the uncertain nature of the space time continuum, we decided to make an immediate start and get a ride in before Strava ceased to exist.
First way point Lewisham, past the boats and down to the highway... Left to Sorell ? or right to Dunalley ? Right it was and we buzzed down the highway at a reasoable pace. Well reasonable for some, but not Andrew, who dropped me several times before we arrived at the Dunalley cafe stop. Nice day, but once stopped, the wind was biting cold... there's been snow around for weeks now and the weather gods seem determined to inflict the last vestiges of pain in an attempt to convince us that summer has been exiled never to return to Tassie. Summer here is actually very pleasant usually, I remember the entire week of it last year quite fondly.
Whilst at the cafe, Andrew T demonstrated his vast knowledge of aquaculture, treating me to a mini lecture complete with a truckload of live fish.

So back on the bikes the ride continued through Conelly's Marsh, the wind off the water was freezing, but the shelter of the hills and protection from the wind urged us on. Swapped the wind for the Fullham Rd climb and the final undulations on the way to coffee at the Dodges Bakery. Coffee was great as always. I congratulated Andrew on his strong ride and bemoaned the fact that I am still so far off the pace, and will be for some time yet. Although thanks to Strava, I can get a very useful picture of my progress as I come back. And today I made some incremental improvements. Most encouraging !!!

Coffee done, we both left to attend to important secret bike business. Who knows what bikes we'll be riding next week :-)
I'll be back at the bakery at 9.00 AM Thursday for anyone who wants to come for a spin.

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:04 pm

Andrew T last night advised me that he would be doing an alternative ride today and therefore it seemed likely that I would be riding solo . Or, I could join up with him for the other ride :-) Just in case someone happened to show for the DFBTR, I jumped on the bike and rode to the bakery... much to my surprise (not), I was the only participant. So u-turn and back home to put the bike in the car and head out with the boys from Cornelian Bay. The new CAAD10 is still settling in and stretching cables require a bit of work to get the derailleur adjustment right. So the bike was ratting away, I bolted home and did the required adjusting and headed out to meet the guys. I'm not much of a bike mechanic but by some miracle I managed to get the bike serviceable... though not purrrrfect.
Met up with Andrew T & Scotty B and had a spin over Grasstree to Richmond for coffee where we bumped into John Howell who was out on a solo spin. Coffee done, it was back over Grasstree.
So, the recovery progresses. I'm fortunate to have riding buddies who are cutting me some slack as the slow return to riding continues. Cheers guys :-)

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:54 pm

So the DFBFR has evolved somewhat. These days, if no riders show up, we go to where the riders are :-)
As usual I made an appearance at the DFB at 9.00 AM to greet the arriving participants for the ride... just me :-(
Not to worry though as plan B, a recent innovation, was duly activated ! I contacted Andrew T on my communication device (AKA mobile phone) and advised him that the pre-discussed plan B was to be set into operation.
We liased at our Top Secret meeting point ( the park on the beachfront at 7 Mile Beach) and headed down to the highway and over the causeway to Midway Point. The usual driver abuse was hurled which I must admit shows a high level of commitment on behalf of the drivers in subjecting themselves to the incoming Artic blast through the open window !!! The valiant riders however made good time due to a slight tailwind which pushed us along at about 45kmh.
So left at Midway Point, through Penna, right on Brintop and up the highway to Fingerpost Rd. The longish way to Richmond. We rolled into the bakery to assess the situation and after a brief pitstop made our way to Grasstree Hill where we were expecting to intersect with Scotty B and Baz. Good timing it was too, as we caught them about 500 metres past the top and so avoided going to the bottom and back up. Pity, I was up for some Grasstree repeats. Scotty was on his CX bike and taking it easy, Baz was cruising as was Andrew... I was pedalling at full capacity, but I managed to hang on. Down to the bakery for coffees and the usual bike discussions... bottom brackets are the hot topic right now grrrr. Coffee done, Baz had to bolt off and Scotty kept him company. Andrew and I took the route over Brinktop back to 7 Mile Beach... headwind all the way !!! Was a great ride. The no show days at DFB are a bit of a bonus in as much as it means an unrestricted ride. However, on the days when someone shows up, the usual 60-65 km ride is the order of the day.

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:33 pm

Pulled up a bit worse for wear after the hitout at Richmond yesterday and the last thing I felt like doing was getting on the bike. However... an email from Andrew T advising of his availability for some K's today put an end to any softing out. That being the case, 9.00 AM at the bakery saw 3 of us ready to head out at a recovery pace. Scotty M joined Andrew T and I today, and that of course could mean only one thing, recovery for them and suffering for me :-)
Oh, and we also had an apology, so it was nearly 4 participants. Now we all know that the popularity of the DFBTR is unparalleled in the world of cycling and that being the case, it's fame has spread far and wide. Now there is a certain cyclist whose name I will not mention (I'm not a name dropper), but I can say that he resides in Canberra and until recently held an exceedingly high position in government. So given his current situation of being at a loose end and possibly a little down, I thought it would be an opportune moment to offer him a start for today's ride... but then I became a little concerned about the possibility of an unexpected "Captains Call"... :shock: Now given that I'm the captain I couldn't take the risk of my authority being usurped so I opted to leave him off the starting list.
Anyway, back to the ride.Headed out from the bakery at about 9:05 and took the route through Carlton and over to Primrose Sands, it was a pretty cruisy pace with a couple of cracks at KOMs on a hill or two. Scotty M pushed us hard a couple of times but was saving up for the Sugarloaf climb. I was on the front for most of it but at some point he came flashing past me and inspired me to push a little harder. Andrew and I both managed to record somewhere near our best times for the segment so extra kudos to Scott !!! Once the climb was done it was the downhill run back through Forcett and onto the Lewisham turnoff. A steady pace back to the bakery from there and it was time for coffee. Just 50kms today but it felt like more to my tired legs. Kudos to the boys for a great ride. Well done to Scotty for pushing us along.

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:40 pm

9.00 am at the bakery and it was Anita Gordon, Andrew T, Stewart Sayer and myself, ready and keen to get out on the road and log a few Ks, with a few hills thrown in for good measure. My Wiggle order which has my nutrition needs packed into a box is currently at about 30,000 feet, so a little difficult to access. Fortunately, the DFBTR has moved to the next level and now has it's own dedicated support vehicle, (Andrew T's RAV 4 full of supplies and contraband).

So topped up with performance enhancers the ride set off... or it was about to when a random motorist came to a halt in the middle of the road, the woman driver got out and admonished us for existing and advised us that we had no right to use the road as we don't pay registration fees... meh... whatever. The irony was that she stopped right in the middle of the road blocking it for following vehicles. I still don't get the need for such unprovoked aggression, all in tiny, peaceful seaside Dodges Ferry. I replied with some mindless abuse and the peloton merrily proceeded on the ride.

So I had mentioned to the crew that after yesterday's effort at Richmond, the focus for the day would be around recovery... Anita must have had different plan as she hit it hard out of the blocks, I watched from the back and made faces at Andrew's new GoPro while we casually bridged the gap. So the recovery agenda kind of went to plan apart from some solid lead outs from Stewart and myself and a bit of male ego stuff in hitting some of the short climbs hard. Stewy won that but I managed a couple of victories.

We took the same route as last week which has a few sharp climbs including Sugarloaf Hill. After the climbing at Richmond yesterday it was good to put a bit more work into the legs. Once back at Dodges we were met by the Marshal, he must have heard about the performance enhancers but we had run out and could not supply him with any so he went on his way to a lunch appointment.

Coffee, bike talk, performance and nutrition discussions... another DFBTR done. Good ride and great company. Extra kudos to all involved !

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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby master6 » Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:46 am

Some people are sprinters.

Some people are hill climbers.

Some people drink coffee.

This brings me to the point of the post!

Is there an ETA at Dodges Ferry Bakery for the coffee?

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:59 pm

11.00 am tomorrow. See you there.

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Oct 01, 2015 1:56 pm

So no riders showed today :-) Just as I had hoped, as the legs are fatigued which was clearly evident when I got dropped early on yesterday. However, I returned to the bakery at 11.00 am as promised and had coffee with Master 6 where the conversation was around all things related to cycling... of course. And in a shock development :shock: :shock: :shock: it appears that Master 6 may be working on a comeback strategy :P He seemed to be in fine form today, even his bike looked very robust, a bit like a prime mover !
One thing you can be assured of, Master 6 is the doyen of cycling around this neck of the woods :!:

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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby master6 » Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:20 pm



noun: doyen; plural noun: doyens

the most respected or prominent person in a particular field.

"he became the doyen of British physicists"

Oh golly! All my modesty has been washed away. For those confused about bicycle quality, my bike is neither disposeable plastic, nor fatigue prone aluminium. It is the real deal steel :D I am taking steps to overcome my own precarious fatigue prone condition.

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:18 pm

After the 205km ride on Sunday and the Richmond Bakery ride yesterday, today seemed to be a good day to get an easy one in :-) That is if you can call 30 + degrees pending and headwinds conducive to anything but painful.

It must have been due to the harsh weather outlook, I can't think of any other reason, but there was only Andrew T and myself that left from the bakery at 9.00 am. Neither of us were really in the mood for a ride, both a little fatigued, and that being the case "Recovery Ride" was invoked. This essentially means we can't be bothered and were just going to take it easy :-) And if you have any doubts about the recovery element, check the photos on Strava... We have PROOF.

So easy at it we went... to the closest big hill ... and up we went.... slowly. We must have warmed to the task though, because once at the top we made like guided missiles to Dunalley, setting PRs and top 10s !!! The good fortune of a tailwind helped the cause. That was 20 kms that turned an OK ride into a quick paced blast. Lots of fun indeed.

Dunalley Bakery was our pitstop and then a slow trip back to Dodges in what by then had become seriously warm with a side of headwind... from all sides except the tail end.
Dodges Ferry Bakery and the usual coffee and chat and that was it for another Thursday... looking forward to the Cornelian Bay ride tomorrow.

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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby master6 » Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:33 pm

:( left DFB at 11.45am. :(

Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:08 pm

Well, that was the DFBR ride of the year, and one of the best ever. After some hard spin intervals and weights in the gym on Tuesday, followed up by a decent hitout at Richmond yesterday, I declared today to be RECOVERY ride day !!! I will learn one day that these declarations are a complete waste of time :mrgreen:
I should have known when Stewart Sayer indicated his intention to ride today that the key word for today would be PAIN. And there was definitely some of that. A great day for riding saw Stewart, the ever reliable Andrew T and myself head out from the bakery. I had discussed the idea of heading out to Dunalley with a Primrose leg thrown in, and that is what we did. I indicated dictatorially that we would be taking the Sugarloaf Hill route, at which point Andrew attempted to object and suggested we opt for route B... :idea: So off to Sugarloaf the peloton did go :twisted:
And up Sugarloaf we went...and at a respectable rate at that. That pain out of the way and it's highway up... and down... to Dunalley.
Given that the wind wasn't favourable we made good time, sharing turns on the front with Stewart doing the biggest share of the hard work.

Dunaley and coffee. A short break and back to the ride. The route through Conelly's Marsh is picture perfect and if it wasn't for the few Ks of dirt it would be perfect. Not a fan of the dirt... no secret in my riding circles. This ride however is just too good to let a small section of dirt present a problem so dirt it is and on we go. Next stop the bridge and turnoff to Primrose Sands. Stewart and I turned left and waited for Andrew only to see him head ride straight ahead and back to Dodges. Saving himself for the Tour de Norfy on Sunday . So just me and Stewy for the Primrose leg, about 13 Ks and about the only section of flat road for the ride, with a few short and sharp pinches thrown in.

If Stewy is anything it is predictable, and I have learned to expect an attack at any time... and some of those times are a certainty. So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to see him come powering past me at the back of Primrose on a short but sharp pinch :roll: I just couldn't let that one go so I took off in pursuit and passed him before the crest :P We had a few like that during the ride and it was good fun, and good training at the same time. Stewart can also be counted on to turn a regular ride into a bit of an interval session, and today was no exception.

So with that we completed the Primrose leg and hit the bottom section of Sugarloaf and back to Dodges for coffee. I called a truce and we rolled back for the last 10 Ks at an easy pace and met up with Andrew T at the bakery for coffee. Definitely the best Dodges ride for the year and one of the best ever. A really solid effort by Andrew and Stewart. Well done boys !!!

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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby LG » Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:20 pm

You need to learn to love the dirt Paul, IMO the scenery and dirt really make that ride from Dunalley to Primrose. Not that you'd get to see much of the scenery at the speed you ride at :D

A good expedition loop if you're feeling adventurous one Thursday is to Forcett then up Delmore Rd, then up Nugent Rd (big mother of a steep hill), then Kellevie Rd, round through Bream Ck, Dunalley and back to Dodges via the coast. Learn to love the dirt and hills! Just avoid the nutcase in the prado who lives at the top of Delmore Rd. I'd come with you but you travel at about twice the speed of me.
LG = Low Gear

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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby master6 » Thu Oct 29, 2015 7:00 pm


Paul B
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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby Paul B » Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:14 pm

LG wrote:You need to learn to love the dirt Paul, IMO .
If I want to ride on dirt I'll get out the MTB. We had a great spin at Richmond yesterday. The first half was typical RBWR, always good, and then we came to the dirt component of the course. Myself and Scotty M turned at that point (as per our plan) and went back to the main rd into Richmond. Turned up Fingerpost, over Brinktop and back to the bakery. We then wnet out and intersected the bunch coming back in. We ended up with about 13 kms more in the same time. Had a nice paced ride while the bunch slowly contended with rocks and crap. Not interested now... or ever.

The ride today was a blast. Unlike yesterday, we didn't go out of our way to find a dirt road, it just happens to be part of a fantastic route.
Looking forward to the Tour de Norfy on Sunday. You should come along :D

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Re: Dodges Ferry Bakery Thursday Ride

Postby LG » Fri Oct 30, 2015 7:01 am

Thanks for letting me know about the tour de norfy, unfortunately due to my need to earn an income I am unable to attend this year.
LG = Low Gear

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