The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

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The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby AUbicycles » Wed May 12, 2010 9:17 pm

Fellow Members - after months of compiling statistics, research and writing, I am now pleased to release:

The Ultimate Guide
Shopping for bicycles and cycling gear online.

UPDATE: after 15,000 downloads - this has now been superseeded and no longer available.
This is the 2013 Australian Online Cycling Marketplace Report which is for Australian and International Cycling Trade

The 86 page report is for both the cycling consumer and trade - with the first section containing an online shopping guide and the second an analysis of the market with lots of statistics. Of course the statistics (from the BNA survey) are included as well. In the coming weeks, sections of the document will be published on BNA.

I welcome discussion about the report and the contents in this thread. Enjoy.

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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby }SkOrPn--7 » Wed May 12, 2010 9:21 pm

Thanks Chris I look forward to sitting back and reading this. :D

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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby Boognoss » Wed May 12, 2010 11:41 pm

Great stuff Christopher. Be good to read it in it's entirety. You enjoy that bottle of single malt now!!!!
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby }SkOrPn--7 » Thu May 13, 2010 12:08 am

Well Chris I just finished reading that complete report and I must say what a great bit of work you had just complied and thank you so much for doing it. Also great to see the results of the survey we all took that was very interesting to see the outcome and the presentation was also superb so a pat on the back there Chris you deserve it. How funny also I now know what it is you do and where you live I wasn't aware of that. :D


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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby AUbicycles » Thu May 13, 2010 12:41 am

}SkOrPn--7 wrote:Well Chris I just finished reading that complete report and I must say what a great bit of work you had just complied and thank you so much for doing it. Also great to see the results of the survey we all took that was very interesting to see the outcome and the presentation was also superb so a pat on the back there Chris you deserve it.

Thank you - what do you think were the most interesting things / stats / results to come out of the report?

}SkOrPn--7 wrote:How funny also I now know what it is you do and where you live I wasn't aware of that. :D
Would explain why my posts on the forum are always so late! The profile helps in such a report, particularly when companies read it and want to judge the value of it.
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby }SkOrPn--7 » Thu May 13, 2010 9:02 am

Chris I'm no novice to buying online but for anyone the section "Part One: Best Practices for Buying Online" is a must read and it was nice to have such a detailed write up and me personally a fresh reminder. Another thing was the default text size it was easy to read off the bad rather than reaching for the zoom key which many PDF's you have too. The graphs were simple and easy to understand which is important because if that part fails then much of what is written goes in one ear and out the other but not in your report.

One thing that I really liked was "Research Methodology" it's always nice to have explained how you went about this process and I believe doing this makes for a more credible report as it gives working knowledge of how the stats were arrived at. Seeing the results of the survey was interesting and knowing the corrected percentage was a good way of doing such a survey. I also liked that you included in the figures the amount of bodies that made the count.

This question didn't surprise me as to the amount of folks that had no answer and I was one of them.

7.13 What is your personal annual income (after tax) in Aussie Dollars?

I always avoid such questions as I feel it has no place in surveys and no bearing on the topics so that was interesting little fact right there funny enough.

You read in the forum whenever buying from OS is mentioned many give you a jab in the ribs and tell you should be buying from the LBS but the results to buying OS or online sort of confirmed my suspicions that way more don't do as they preach so that was a interesting little stat.

I'm a little disappointed but not surprised that so few LBS didn't take part or at least give feed back but now that the report is out maybe next time seeing what a professional job you did and a fair /unbiased way you went about this report I wouldn't be surprised now to see a few more willing to make comment now they can view it.

Thanks Chris it really was well done and a great read.


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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby familyguy » Thu May 13, 2010 10:48 am


On first reading the report looks to clearly state findings and stats without a judgement into why people do what they do, just as per your opening statement. Let the distributors draw their own conclusions from the whole thing. I wonder what results it will bring once it filters out to the LBS/suppliers/importers?? With luck, a little digging into business practice and consumer satisfaction. Though I think the note towards the end regarding our land mass vs. population is somewhat telling when it comes to market share and the future.

I'm sure your time and effort will not go un-noticed both here and the wider cycling community.


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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby AUbicycles » Fri May 14, 2010 5:55 am

Thanks family guy.
}SkOrPn--7 wrote: This question didn't surprise me as to the amount of folks that had no answer and I was one of them.

7.13 What is your personal annual income (after tax) in Aussie Dollars?

I always avoid such questions as I feel it has no place in surveys and no bearing on the topics so that was interesting little fact right there funny enough.
I can understand this - it was optional, and while I am very strict in ensuring that the forum is anonymous, the income is interesting for other participants - and more interesting for trade when looking at the demographics.

}SkOrPn--7 wrote: You read in the forum whenever buying from OS is mentioned many give you a jab in the ribs and tell you should be buying from the LBS but the results to buying OS or online sort of confirmed my suspicions that way more don't do as they preach so that was a interesting little stat.
I think that there are arguments for both - and you will notice I have tried to take a very balanced approach, not siding with either channel.

Question 6.3 (page 73) was fascinating - asking for motivation in choosing a LBS, the two answers I like to highlight are the first two options, Patriotism (21%) and Supporting Local Business (70%). This is a real eye opener, and for bicycling trade who can take this info onboard, valuable info.

}SkOrPn--7 wrote: I'm a little disappointed but not surprised that so few LBS didn't take part or at least give feed back but now that the report is out maybe next time seeing what a professional job you did and a fair /unbiased way you went about this report I wouldn't be surprised now to see a few more willing to make comment now they can view it.
I would have been keen for more feedback from online shops, from the ones I contacted, a number didn't respond (too hard basket) and the better ones who responded were at least fair in saying that they would prefer not to answer because they would be sharing company secrets.

For the LBSs, I had two reponses. While I sent out more requests, as the two that I received provided pretty feedback, answering what I was interested in knowing - rather then pushing for more responses I spent the time on other fields - like customs.
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby toppertee » Mon May 17, 2010 5:57 pm

Dear Christopher,
I can see that this survey has taken a long time and hard work by yourself and well done for the effort.

I've got a couple of issues with it though.

1. Only 261 people completed the survey, all of which use the internet and must also be quite proficient with using the intergeek. So this would tend to make your survey close to been completely one sided.

2. You pretty much are telling the LBS to suck eggs, if they didn't know this information they would be out of business or on their way.

I guess the information confirms what most online users knew any way, about online users shopping patterns(hope that makes sense). Maybe next time you could hand out a some paper surveys at the local cafe latte set, or track/road racing events, non online users, non forum users etc, to maybe balance the survey?

Please don't take this an insult, this is not what it is meant to be.

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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby AUbicycles » Mon May 17, 2010 6:39 pm

thanks toppertea.

On 1) yes I agree - and mentioned this in the introduction and research methedology and that the report by no means a representation of the entire cycling community, rather better represented the segment who are actively online. I was initially going to add info regarding how many people, as a percentage of the entire Aussie population, have ever purchase something online (from another source) however didn't as it dillutes the message.

Depending upon the interest however, for the next survey I would certainly consider getting broader feedback.

2) Not at all - the internet is not putting LBSs out of business - yet (I mentioned this somewhere) however the effect is noticeable, particularly on accessories. Rather for the LBS there are two important things a) For those with no or little internet experience, this is a pretty good document to get an overview and b) there is a lot of good information how to do better business with the internet and changing markets in mind.

I think that the knowledge and info in the report can be used for a better insight and advantage for a retailer. I would like to recommend that a number of LBSs become more pro-active in their approach (a lot are doing well already) though it is up to each business to decide for themself.

3) That it confirms a lot of info that many users should know is good. That is what I expected, even for the most experienced users, the confirmation is good, there may be a few new items plus for newbies it is a pretty good general introduction to how it all works. For me personally, the whole customs topic was new and I can image that even experienced shoppers who suddenly have a large order will benefit from the info and calculations.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby AUbicycles » Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:53 am

The popular Australian cycling blog, Cycling Tips has good post The LBS v.s. Online Shopping which references this report... and there is a lot of discussion.
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby CommuRider » Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:33 pm

Just came across the report. The amount of $$$ being spent on bikes and accessories in total and per capita are pretty impressive/frightening.

3.3 Estimate your total purchase value of bikes/parts that you have purchased ONLINE in the last 12 months.
Default No. Answer
79.69% (208) Answer
29.31% (53) Not Answered
Total Value = $367,900
Total Average = $1,410 all survey participant (261)
Total Average = $1,769 each who answered (208)


3.4 Estimate your total purchase value of bikes/parts that you have purchased OFFLINE in the last 12 months.
Default No. Answer
78.93% (206) Answer
21.07% (55) Not Answered
Total Value = $369,000
Total Average = $1,413 survey participant (261)
Total Average = $1,774 each who answered (208)
Total valid responses: 208

:shock: :shock:
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby Eleri » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:32 pm

That's a really interesting report. Thanks! there's some tips in the on-line shopping that I hadn't thought of before, especially when deciding whether to buy from them in the first place. Also, information that many on-line retailers SHOULD think about and that mirrored my frustrations in engaging with them in the first place - registering to use the site for instance where they want far too much personal information from me.

One thing that didn't get much of a discussion is the use of social media type tools within the best sites. For instance, Wiggle allows (actively encourages) customers to comment on the product they have bought as well as ask questions. That's customer feedback that you don't get when you go into a LBS or any other shop. And LBS doesn't get that feedback either, nor do they have a way to aggregate it and send it back to the manufacturer. As a customer, looking to buy, I'm interested to know what others say about products like saddles and knicks for example.

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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby AUbicycles » Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:42 am

Eleri wrote:One thing that didn't get much of a discussion is the use of social media type tools within the best sites. For instance, Wiggle allows (actively encourages) customers to comment on the product they have bought as well as ask questions. That's customer feedback that you don't get when you go into a LBS or any other shop. And LBS doesn't get that feedback either, nor do they have a way to aggregate it and send it back to the manufacturer. As a customer, looking to buy, I'm interested to know what others say about products like saddles and knicks for example.
Thanks for your feedback - for interest, since publishing, 4500 downloads which makes up for the hard work that went into it.

That is a good point - amazon as a none bike retailer (seriously not) utilises this user rating / feedback system very well plus the related products 'other buyers who purchased this also purchased that' and for return shoppers the one click buy... which makes it seem all quick and easy - even if you choose the normal checkout process. A retailer needs a certain turnover before some tools make sense and connecting social media with commerce sometimes brings in some dangers, a Sydney based retailer (online + offline) who we don't need to name was spotted removing and editing user feedback, while they are controlling it and keeping it positive in the short term, in the long term it kills their credibility and the interest of return shoppers to participate in rating / reviewing. Wiggle on the otherhand have an incredible volumn of orders that even a majority number of negative reviews for one product is certainly not cause for concern and more so (speculation) would indicate to a retailer that it may not be worth carrying this particular item.

I think the LBS has other ways of converting a customer - the skill of a sales person to recognise their needs and support them through the purchase, in an online environment the shopper is essentially on their own and needs to make a lot of decisions themself. The feedback in an LBS may be a bit more practical, if a customer returns with a question, faulty or broken item - this helps send messages though typically feedback is not recorded and can be saved used as a reference as an online retailer can do.
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby ruscook » Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:03 pm

}SkOrPn--7 wrote:Well Chris I just finished reading that complete report and I must say what a great bit of work you had just complied and thank you so much for doing it. Also great to see the results of the survey we all took that was very interesting to see the outcome and the presentation was also superb so a pat on the back there Chris you deserve it. How funny also I now know what it is you do and where you live I wasn't aware of that. :D

I've only skim-read it but support the above 100%. A huge well done Chris, and those who helped. Damn professional looking doc. Maybe all the state Bicycling bodies should link to it (not host it) for their members info and be a good advert for the site

Wiggle acknowledging publishing in the local currency immediately increasing sales and 8000 sales a month to Oz are two very striking things to me. Have you passed this to the Aust. Retail Cycle Traders Association? They represent LBS at a trade level and I think would be very interested in this. As a commercial association they may be willing to pay/sponsor/assist in producing the report. Just a thought as there's significant impact on their members because of online purchasing.

Will this be an annual report?

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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby Boognoss » Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:14 pm

I'd give my mother-in-law a printed copy to pass up the chain to her boss at the top of the ladder (Gerry Harvey himself :roll: :roll: :roll: ) but I think she values her job and it'd fall on geriatric deaf-ears anyway :twisted: .
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby ruscook » Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:37 pm

Boognoss wrote:I'd give my mother-in-law a printed copy to pass up the chain to her boss at the top of the ladder (Gerry Harvey himself :roll: :roll: :roll: ) but I think she values her job and it'd fall on geriatric deaf-ears anyway :twisted: .
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby AUbicycles » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:43 am

I took a careful approach promoting this because it is too easy for it to be 'unsolicited', even though it is it a free document. Thanks for the tip - I have sent them off a mail to the RCTA.

I have considered an annual survey, I could actually save on most of the report and concentrate on new trends and bundling the survey results, plus streamlining the survey. A criticism was there were no LBS customers survey however this is a logistical hurdle which i don't know yet how to solve.

Thanks for the ongoing feedback!
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby CommuRider » Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:11 pm

The survey got mentioned in the latest edition of the Australian Cyclist May-April 2011 in a rather short article on how online shopping is challenging LBS.
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby AUbicycles » Tue May 10, 2011 7:21 am

Thank you for the tip!
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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby slarv » Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:42 pm

Hi AUbicycles,

I believe the link to your guide is down or not redirecting as you intended.

It keeps redirecting to the front BNA page.

Looking foward to being able to read it.



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Re: The Ultimate Guide - BNA online shopping report

Postby AUbicycles » Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:10 pm

Thank you - with the change to the new system, some links didn't migrate

You can download it here: ... ar-online/
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