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T-Mobile doping targets Kl?den und Kessler

The final report on the commission into systematic doping in Team T-Mobile has concluded that doping was systematic from 1995 to 2006. The three experts in the commission have stated that in addition to Patrik Sinkewitz, at least two other riders were assisted by docters with blood doping: Matthias Kessler and Andreas Kl?den. Evidence against the 1997 Tour de France winner Jan Ullrich was not found. 

Two German doctors from the University of Freiburg, Lothar Heinrich and Andreas Schmid already admitted to doping however as they are currently being prosecuted they have made no further comments to regarding the findings. The report states that the process of systematic controlled doping by the doctors was perfected.

Kessler, currently banned due to Testosteron doping, and Kl?den have rejected all allegations, though in April 2008 Sinkewitz has named Kl?den as participating in systematic doping at the Freiburg University Clinic.

Doctor Andreas Schmid is also accused of risking the life of Sinkewitz, during one blood transfusion, errors meant that the blood become contaminated with bacteria and Sinkewitz was simply sent home afterwards regardless of the risk. The commission labled the doctors actions as particularly irresponsible as Sinkewitz could have potentially had a server life threatening reaction and as the doctors accepted this risk they made a serious breach the rules of transfusions.

Team T-Mobile
Originally founded as Team Telekom in 1991 and later renamed to Team T-Mobile in 2004, the doping scandels from 2006 meant that team sponsor T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom daughter company) pulled out. In 2007, as a doping free team called Team Highroad – Sinkewitz tested positive to above normal testosterone levels and was suspended. The Team is now known as Team Columbia Highroad.

Christopher Jones
Christopher Joneshttps://www.bicycles.net.au
Christopher Jones is a recreational cyclist and runs a design agency, Signale. As the driving force behind Bicycles.net.au he has one of each 'types' of bicycles.
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