HomeNews & FeaturesRoad CyclingTeam Diary: Lampre's Crit?rium du Dauphin? Lib?r?

Team Diary: Lampre’s Crit?rium du Dauphin? Lib?r?

Lampre-NGC, directed by Piovani and Baldato, is riding in this years Crit?rium du Dauphin? Lib?r? which started on Sunday the 7th of June and continues to the 14th of June

The riders are: Marco Bandiera, Angelo Furlan, Mirco Lorenzetto, Marco Marzano, Daniele Righi, Mauro Santambrogio, Simon Spilak and Volodymyr Zagorodniy.

"The team is a good mix of characteristics in order to face the different routes of the Crit?rium – Piovani explained – For the prologue and the sprint arrivals there will be Furlan and Lorenzetto: this last one ist trying to find again the good feelings that he had before the crash in Tour of Flandres. On the tough climbs of the last part of the Crit?rium, we’ll rely on Marzano, Santambrogio and Spilak".

Lampre NGC Time Trial Performance

Marco Marzano performed a very good time trial at the Criterium Dauphin?. Lampre-NGC’s climber recorded the 26th performance in the 1st stage parcour in Nancy (12,1 km), 46" behind the winner Evans.

For Lampre-NGC, Spilak obtained the 40th place at 1′.

"Marzano’s performance has been a positive suprise – sport director Piovani commented – Marco covered in a brilliant way the early 2 km of climb, then kept a regular pace that allow him to record a time not far from the specialists’ ones. For the second stage, we’ll focus our attention on Furlan chances in the sprint".

Stage Two, Angelo Furlan victory for Lampre

Angelo Furlan got his first victory of 2009 in the second stage of the Tour of the Dauphin?. Fast wheels return to the Lampre-NGC team, after the victories of Lorenzetto Furlan.

The race was characterized by a breakaway of 4 riders, and then resolved in a final convulsive and made dangerous by the rain.

There were several attempts to get away from the platoon, but the most significant has happened 5 km from arrive where Millar tried to escape, he has put in serious discussion a final to the sprint, the runner of the Garmin, however, was taken just in the last 200 mt.

The sprint was launched by Boonen that in the final meters over has seen wind Furlan on his left, which thanks to a big comeback was able to get a victory that served to both the moral of Angelo and our Team.

Furlan’s words: "I am happy to win today, it comes at a time rather difficult for the team as a result, I thank all my comrades who were super in the final, and even during the stage.

The arrival was uncertain until the utlimi meters, thanks to the work of Millar and conditions dell’asfalto become slimy because of rain. I managed to take the wake of the best sprinters and go at 250 meters, making a nice comeback on Boonen which launched the srint. With a victory like this i certainly bodes well for the continuation of the race, and makes me aware of my having put resources behind the top runners. "

Website: Team Lampre NGC

Christopher Jones
Christopher Joneshttps://www.bicycles.net.au
Christopher Jones is a recreational cyclist and runs a design agency, Signale. As the driving force behind Bicycles.net.au he has one of each 'types' of bicycles.
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