HomeNews & FeaturesUltimate Guide: Selecting a shop

Ultimate Guide: Selecting a shop

The Ultimate Guide: Shopping for bicycles and gear online is a multipart report with tips, trends and analysis of the Australian Market. You can download the ebook version here. This part looks at selecting a shop.

Selecting a shop

Once you have taken the time to compare prices between shops, perhaps there are a few shops that come into consideration. There is more you need to know before taking the plunge:

Product Availability: Does the shop provide information as to whether the item is actually in stock. Some retailers may first order goods from the distributer once the customer order has been received or may even offer items for sale and take your payment without knowing whether they can deliver at all. Many shops use traffic light style icons that show the availability and expected delivery times. When large online shops have sales, sometimes the availability of products can change quickly so be alert when you add an item to your shopping cart but don’t purchase immediately.

Product sizing and options: Choosing the correct size of a bicycle, parts and gear is the biggest hurdle consumer’s face when purchasing online, consumers feel more comfortable purchasing bicycles and shoes from their LBS. While you should be certain of your requirements regarding size and specifications, it makes sense to be aware of the policy on returns before purchasing. For some items, the retailer will be reluctant to accept an item (or may not accept it at all) once it has been unpackaged plus you need to factor in the potential inconvenience and costs of returning an item, particularly overseas.

This is article is from The Ultimate Guide: Shopping for bicycles and gear online. You can download the entire ebook (free) from here.

You can discuss this article and the ebook in the Australian Cycling Forums.

Christopher Jones
Christopher Joneshttps://www.bicycles.net.au
Christopher Jones is a recreational cyclist and runs a design agency, Signale. As the driving force behind Bicycles.net.au he has one of each 'types' of bicycles.
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