Brett and his family have a tragic story, and it’s because of this tragedy that he has become a dedicated fundraiser for the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. BNA knows Brett as a member of the Australian Cycling Forum who goes by the name BrettGG. It is through this connection that BNA is supporting him in his effort to reach his $50,000 ‘Angel Vision’ fundraising goal.
Bretts motivation comes from the loss of his three month old baby boy in 2003. It is difficult to describe the heartache though Brett and his wife Tanya received so much support from the doctors and nurses during the days and nights in the hospital and when their son Gabriel died, they made a promise to support the hospital.
As a passionate cyclist, Brett is riding to help fulfill his pledge. “In 2010 I raised just over $10k but it’s not good enough. I have only just started my fundraising campaign for next year’s ride and I’ve raised $1406 so far.” says Brett.
For the April 2013 ride he aims to raise $50,000 which will go to the Children’s Cancer Centre (part of the Royal Children’s Hospital) which need to purchase equipment to diagnose and treat children with cancer.
“I ride as part of the Cytotoxic Cycling Team which is managed by Mary McGowan, the Community Liaison Manager at the Children’s Cancer Centre at the Royal Children’s Hospital. I am the only cyclist doing the entire 528km from my team but I will have support from the rest of the team throughout the ride.”
Not only is 528km a long ride, but completing this distance in 24 hours (riding) is a real challenge. As the sole rider completing the entire distance he is joined by other riders and a support crew.
“We have 2 busses and 2 support cars following us so riders can change over and rest in the busses,” says Brett, “they provide constant food, drink and mental support. We have support crew shouting all crazy stuff through megaphones the whole way which is great.
“I will have a support car for myself as I won’t be stopping to rest or change over during the ride. The guys from Thule are supplying their van and support for me and my wife and eldest son will be with them for support”
In the challenge to reach the $50,000 goal, a number of sponsors are supporting Brett including Thule, Vision personal training, the Total Rush Cycling bike store, Meeco (contour cameras) and Dextro Energy.
Bicycles Network Australia is also supporting Brett Goldin in reaching his fundraising goal and asks you to consider making a small sacrifice such forgoing your next bottle of wine and donating the money saved to this worthy cause.
For donations and further details about the fundraising, visit: