Ground Effect have done something different with the Sirens knicks for women. They’ve taken the chamois and turned it upside down, so all those little bumps and molded bits are the other way around. I found this difference the first time wore them; it’s hard to explain, but I spent a few kms wriggling on my seat and I’m sure it’s to do with the way the chamois has been designed. It’s called the eXo™ skeletal pad and it’s described as: 3D anatomical shaping, multi-level foam, rapid drying, seamless synthetic ‘chamois’ pad with anti-bacterial finish. Simply put, it’s a chamois that’s designed for a woman’s shape and it’s got an anti-bacterial finish that helps you stay clean and healthy.
The cuff at the bottom of the shorts is wider than most traditional cycling shorts and it will steer you away from that sausage look that none of us really enjoy. The larger cuff was a feature that I had been looking forward to when I unwrapped them. They’re rather long in the leg so, for women who are looking for something a bit more modest, this might be what you’re after. The waist band is thick without being so thick that it will cut into your waist and it is supportive and holds everything in without a hint of muffin top. I was rather surprised by this as I normally expect to get this in bib knicks and not plain knicks.
They’re comfortable enough for a quick commute, a trip to the shops or a 100km in the saddle without a problem. But (yes, I found a but), when I wore them on a commute to work one day and then had to put them on again for the trip home, there wasn’t the same amount of elasticity as their had been at the beginning of the day. I don’t like having to pull my shorts up when I’m fanging it through Melbourne at peak hour.
Are they better than any other pair of knicks? Probably not. The big bonus with these shorts is that they do have the longer leg for the extra modesty, the thicker cuff (for better looking leg muscles) and the quality waist band which doesn’t cut into you (and no muffin top). If you’re not into branding yourself, these knicks are perfect, and if you’ve been looking for the right fit but still haven’t had any luck, try these on the chance that they might work for you. It is a different and new product that’s totally thinking outside the box in a different direction.
Coming onto the market at $149.00 AUD, the Sirens are priced reasonably. Go here for frequently asked questions and all the technical info.