HomeNews & FeaturesAustralian Custom Bicycle Show: Interview with Andy White

Australian Custom Bicycle Show: Interview with Andy White

Australia now boasts its own bike show for custom and handmade bicycles courtesy of Andy White of fyxomatosis. On December 1 and 2 this year, twelve Australian custom bike and frame makers will exhibit in South Melbourne.

I asked Andy how this idea came about:  “I had the idea for a bike show 4 years ago. The idea has morphed over time, changed by experience, interactions and more time.

Since the initial idea, I have had the good fortune to interact with a number of local builders including Darrell McCulloch, Darren Baum, John Bosevski, Ken Evans, Ewen Gellie, Daryll Perkins, and Bryan Hayes.

I have naturally fostered the frame building scene because I love hand made bicycles to the point of mild obsession. Australia has a rich history of locally made marques and those who rode them, and above all nothing is cooler than a bike made for an individual with a true purpose.”

The Australian custom scene is no different than overseas; it is small, however the frame builders and brands are known by name well beyond their customer base. Attracting all of the key players to one event is no mean feat and Andy White discusses the reception of the Australian Custom Bicycle Show by newer frame builders.

“There has been great interest from builders who to this point have been building as a hobbyist, and considering it as a full time profession. This years shows two stipulations are Australian Made products, and all builders have insurance which I see as critical to promoting their offerings.”

There is no single reason why a cyclist gets a custom made bike, the audience is very broad. I was interested to know what type of visitors Andy anticipates will attend the Australian Custom Bicycle Show.

“The audience will be varied,” says Andy, “from old to young, current and past customers, enthusiast builders looking for inspiration, cyclists looking for something different,  those who embrace cycling as a lifestyle and not merely a recreational activity or transportation alternative.  Hopefully a large majority will be those looking for something built with a purpose and not to a price point.  The show will provide an opportunity for these small scale craftsman to showcase their skills in an intimate setting.”

Baum Cycles, Busyman Bicycles, Cycle Designs, Fikas Bikes, Gellie Custom, Kenevans, KUMO Cycles, Llewellyn, PATEBURY, Peter Bundy Cycles, Primate Frames, Teschner Bikes

Show Details
Location: 167 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne 3205, Victoria, Australia
Opening Hours: Saturday 1 December & Sunday 2 December 9am – 5pm
Entry: $10 Adult / Children $5 (under 6 free)

Online: www.acbs2012.com

Christopher Jones
Christopher Joneshttps://www.bicycles.net.au
Christopher Jones is a recreational cyclist and runs a design agency, Signale. As the driving force behind Bicycles.net.au he has one of each 'types' of bicycles.
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