HomeNews & FeaturesVote4Cycling in the 2013 Australian Federal Election

Vote4Cycling in the 2013 Australian Federal Election

Let’s admit it, Australia is a motoring nation, big cities and urban sprawl have meant that cycling is traditionally reserved as a sporting pursuit. The recently released federal government report, “Walking, Riding and Access to Public Transport” confirms that ‘cycling is good’. Cycling saves the economy $21 per trip and communities benefit in the short term from healthier people, less traffic congestion and less pollution. In the long term the benefits are more profound.


So what are we going to about it?
The Cycling Promotion Fund is leading the Vote4Cycling initiative which unites the biggest cycling organisations and communities in Australia to encourage the politicians to get cycling on the agenda. The Australian government has an opportunity and need to know that it is an important issue.


What is Vote4Cycling?
1. A community petition to show broad support of cycling issues and demonstrate the level of community interest to politicians. You can show your support by clicking the “Count me in!” button on the Vote4Cycling website.

2. A proposal called The National Partnership Proposal which was formed by experts and which the Government can implement to improve the viability of cycling in the community and reap the associated benefits.

3. A platform for candidates in the 2013 Australian Federal Election to publish their policy statement or proposed initiatives related to cycling and alternative transport. The community can see what each candidate stands for.


National Partnership Proposal
This six plan created by and endorsed by Vote4Cycling supporting organisations and communities delivers a series of detailed steps in which the government can foster cycling in communities across Australia as a national strategy:

1. Stimulate the growth in walking and riding to school

2. Upgrade infrastructure on proven urban bicycle corridors

3. Develop recreational bicycle and walking paths

4. Develop regional infrastructure for local and tourist use

5. Leverage Commonwealth infrastructure projects to lift the level of riding

6. Foster better road user behaviour.

For comprehensive details on each of these steps, visit:
Public Position Statement of the Australian Vote4Cycling Partnership


A Unified Voice
The Vote4Cycling initiative gathers the support of all of the major Australian cycling organisations and communities, Bicycles Network Australia included of course. These are the supporters:Amy Gillett Foundation | AustCycle | Bicycle Industries Australia | Bicycle Network Victoria | Bicycle NSW | Bicycle NT | Bicycle QLD | Bicycling Western Australia  | Bicycle Tasmania | Bicycle South Australia | Cycling Australia | Cycling Promotion Fund | Pedal Power Canberra Region | RailTrails Australia | Bicycles Network AustraliaGo! Alliance | Bike Sydney | Bike North


What can cyclists do?
Support the initiative by clicking the “Count me in!” button on the Vote4Cycling website. You can also share and promote the vote4cycling initiative with the twitter hashtag #vote4cycling to your friends, colleagues and also to members of parliament who need to know that the cycling agenda is also an important agenda in this election and that there is a real community interest in a national cycling strategy.

Christopher Jones
Christopher Joneshttps://www.bicycles.net.au
Christopher Jones is a recreational cyclist and runs a design agency, Signale. As the driving force behind Bicycles.net.au he has one of each 'types' of bicycles.
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