HomeReviews & TechSweat Yourself Beautiful with The Workout Zone

Sweat Yourself Beautiful with The Workout Zone

Skin care is a major part of any women’s day, even men are beginning to take part and enjoy the benefits. When your skin looks fresher and brighter without blotchy patches we can all say that we look and feel better; it enhances us, our day and our personalities! As a cyclist and corproate receptionist, its important that I look my best everyday to respresent my company in the best possible way, The Workout Zone is making this possible.

Coming straight from New Zealand is The Workout Zone, a skin care company that is living by the motto, “Sweat yourself beautiful.” I was looking forward to the package arriving, everything about the advertisement of the product looked fresh, clean and young; It also looked like something that wouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes.

I received the full package called the Workout System Complete and it includes:

– Step 1: Purifying Cleanser
– Step 2: Outdoor Facial Repair or
– Step 2: Indoor Facial Repair
– Step 3: Luxuriant Bodywash
– Step 4: Rebalance Cream
– The Reinvigorating Hot Honey Handcream along with
– The Workout Zone travel bag

The first thing I noticed about the product was the scent; it was a nice clean smell without the feeling of all the antibacterial gels that are out there at the moment, it simply smelt fresh. The Hot Honey Hand Cream was the first item to be passed around all the girls in the office, we really enjoyed the scented cream, it wasn’t over the top, it was just enough.

Workout Zone Workout System CompleteI took my little bag of goodies home with and packed it in with the rest of my gear for the Alpine Classics, explaining to my travelling companions that I don’t normally carry this many cosmetics but in the name of research I was happy to increase my luggage.

I did sit down with The Workout Zone whilst my team mates where slogging it out up Tawonga Gap and into Bright for the final climb up Mt Buffalo, I read all the instructions first, there was a lot of tubes and I wanted to make sure that I was doing everything right.

Step 1 is The Purifying Cleaner, it contains hydrogenated jojoba oil and beads, put simply though it’s a really nice cleanser that isn’t hard on your skin, the beads are minimal and tiny, just enough to remove your make up and any grime from sitting in rush hour or enduring your city’s public transport.

You then choose between indoors or outdoors, if you’re anything like me, you hate being at your desk and refuse to exercise indoors, then Step 2, the Outdoor Facial Repair Cream is to ensure that you are well protected from the sun, it has an SPF 30+ Broad Spectrum Sunscreen which hydrates your skin as you work out.

If you’re a gym person and can’t stand the thought of 4 seasons in one work out, then Step 2, the Indoor Facial Repaid Cream, rub a small amount into the skin before you exercise and you’re ready to go. I noticed a change in the way my skin looked, I think it was brighter and there was more glow; I felt better because of it. I headed over to the Workout Zone website to see what they were reporting and found the following regarding research they conducted in Australia and New Zealand.

"91% of 26 GFX instructors in New Zealand and Australia self-reported an improvement in skin hydration and 65% self-reported an improvement in skin ‘look’ after using the WORKOUT ZONE Indoor System for 4 weeks."

I think its excellent that The Workout Zone has been passed on to industry professionals for trialing, especially instructors and trainers who are required to present such a healthy image every day.

Step 3 is the Luxuriant Body Wash, and it’s unlike the normal stock you see in the supermarket. After your workout and before your shower you massage the product all over, including your face if you like, go nuts. The result is (can’t believe I’m saying this) nice and shiny and smooth soft skin, sure it’s a little bit different, but the result is surprising which is what we want in a product.

The Luxuriant Body Wash is a little different, because you apply it before you go into the shower, unlike other of the shelf products that you apply whilst in the shower. I think, from my own personal experience that applying the product before getting in the shower actually helps the skin absorb the product, whereas the body washes that are used in the shower wouldn’t be as effective as it washes of as quickly as you put it on.

Step 4 is the Rebalance Cream, you can massage it everywhere or just use it for your face. It’s also a great primer for under your makeup, and if you’re keen to tighten the budget or make more room on your bathroom shelves, then this product does more than enough to earn its keep. You also get soft smooth skin for your efforts, without that oily shine.

Last but not least is the Hot Honey Handcream, there are extracts of chilly in it, so do keep it away from your eyes and mouth, its smells fantastic without being an over the top scent, it isn’t an oily moisturizer, it has a nice and thick consistency.

My thoughts?
I’m really into time management, I have a lot of things to do and find that if something takes too long then I either get distracted by it or I loose interested very quickly.

These products were fantastic, I can use the Purifying Cleanser in the shower and when I jump out of the shower, the Outdoor Facial Repair first thing in the morning is quick and takes 30 seconds, if that.

The Luxuriant Body Wash, is a little different for me. I am used to using the body wash in the shower so this was a change, but I liked it. I think it does take a little bit of extra time to add this into your day, but I’m only talking about 3 minutes, take the chance and try it.

The Rebalance Cream is great and does what its meant to do, as a person who doesn’t wear make-up unless I’m heading to a fancy party or Friday night drinks, this product finishes my daily schedule and most importantly without a lot of fuss.

Workout Zone Hot Honey Handcream

Throw the Hot Honey Handcream in your purse and use it on the tram, pass it around the office and make sure everyone knows what the product is called. I believe they should make more products with honey; just the scent alone gives you that 3pm sugar that you’ve been trying to satisfy.

The cost for the complete package, ‘Workout System Complete’, is $111.70 AUD, you can purchase online from their website www.workoutzone.co.nz. You don’t need to spend huge amounts to refill products when you run out of something as each product is available individually from their online store.

Rowena Scott
Rowena Scotthttp://www.sheridescycling.com.au
is a Melbourne based road cyclist and covers women's interests in cycling, you can view her website at www.sheridescycling.com.au
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